Highlights of 2019 False Claims Act Cases
The Department of Justice announced it obtained more than $3 billion in settlements and judgments from civil cases involving fraud and false claims against the government in FY 2019 (Statistical Report).
Since Congress overhauled the False Claims Act in 1986, the Department of Justice has recaptured more than $62 billion in taxpayer funds, with 72% of the recoveries resulting from whistleblower-initiated cases!
Below, take a look at case highlights from 2019:
Walgreens Settlements
JPMorgan Chase
Jordan Thomas was TAF Lawyer of the Year in 2018.
Hyundai Oilbank Co. Ltd. and S-Oil Corporation
US WorldMeds LLC
Cochise Consultancy v. US ex rel. Hunt
This important decision from the Supreme Court strengthened the False Claims Act!
Please note the link in the tweet no longer works since we’ve updated our website. You can find TAFEF’s amicus curiae brief here.
ACell Inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.
UTC Laboratories, Inc. (RenRX)
Luke Hillier and Atlantic Diving Supply, Inc.
TAFEF members Andrew Miller and Scott Simmer of Baron & Budd settled claims against Luke Hillier, the founder and former CEO of Atlantic Diving Supply, Inc., a Virginia-based defense contractor, and Charles Salle, ADS’s former General Counsel. Hillier agreed to pay $20 million and Salle $225,000 to settle allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by fraudulently obtaining federal set-aside contracts reserved for small businesses — contracts their company was ineligible to receive. This was the third in a series of settlements arising from the investigation of ADS and its executives and affiliates, and a remarkable example of individual accountability. The combined recoveries under the three agreements total nearly $37 million and represent the largest settlement involving allegations of small-business contracting fraud in FCA history. Read more here.

Life Spine Inc.
U.S. ex rel. Garcia v. Moreno et al.
TAFEF members Jonathan Kroner and Robin Green filed a case on behalf of their whistleblower client against a cluster of El Paso medical professionals in 2013. The settlement returned nearly $3 million to the U.S. and the state of Texas, and resolved allegations of potential serious patient harm arising from improper handling and administration of an immunosuppressant drug. Read more here.

Boston Heart Diagnostics
Congratulations to TAFEF members Justin Berger, Niall McCarthy, Eric Buescher and their colleagues at Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy LLP, and to their whistleblower client Chris Riedel, on securing this result! Boston Heart Diagnostics paid $26.67 million to settle False Claims Act allegations of illegal inducements to referring physicians.TAFEF members Justin Berger, Niall McCarthy, Eric Buescher and their colleagues at Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy LLP in securing this result! Boston Heart Diagnostics paid $26.67 million to settle False Claims Act allegations of illegal inducements to referring physicians.
Reckitt-Benckiser Settlement
Sanford Health Entities
Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Jewish Hospital
Oklahoma Heart Hospital
Almirall, LLC
Sutter Health System
Illinois Average Wholesale Prices