Numbers Don’t Lie: Fraudsters Do

For the last month, we have taken a daily look beyond the news headlines to present hard numbers about fighting fraud in America. In creating this daily blog project, Fraud By The Numbers, we have documented three key facts:

  1. Our financial markets and government programs are at perpetual risk to massive fraud schemes.
  2. Whistleblowers have proven to be effective at exposing fraud, recovering money lost to fraud, and deterring future fraud schemes.
  3. Fully supported and expanded Whistleblower Programs are the most cost effective way to improve on efforts to deter fraud on our financial markets and government programs, and to expose frauds when they do happen.

The data cited in Fraud by the Numbers debunks misinformation about the fraud-fighting environment and whistleblowers at a time of unprecedented government spending and financial uncertainty. If you are serious about protecting the American taxpayer and our financial markets, join us in sharing these 30 posts with non-lawyers, potential whistleblowers and anyone interested in the fight against fraud. It is time to promote the real story about fraud in America. Numbers don’t lie; fraudsters do.

Fraud By the Numbers was a massive undertaking, and we’d like to thank the following contributors for making the project a success:

  • TAF Public Education Committee Chairwoman Kate Scanlan (Keller Grover LLP) for her visionary leadership and coordination of Fraud By the Numbers.
  • In addition, we’d like to thank TJ Budetti, Paralegal at Phillips & Cohen LLP, TAF Intern John McCabe, and Phillips & Cohen LLP Intern Talia Mermin for their work in researching and writing many of these posts.

Written by Jeb White of Taxpayers Against Fraud